The Blackberry Playbook is a tablet by RIM. Its has got some cool features and specs. Since Blackberry smartphones and gadgets are prone to getting stuck and others resulting to Hard Reseting them, lets see how the action can be performed on the above device. On the blackberry smartphones, just a Battery Pull would do but since the BlackBerry PlayBook does not have a removable battery it
makes it impossible to perform a true hard reset of pulling the battery like
you can on BlackBerry smartphones. The device has got a Power Button, Volume Up, Play/Pause Button and the Volume Down button. Some of these keys combination will perform a hardware reboot instead of a software reset
on the BlackBerry PlayBook.
To perform a hard reset on the BlackBerry PlayBook:
Hold down the volume
up key, volume down key, and power button at the same time and hold it for
about 15 seconds. TIP: Its easier if you hit the volume up key then the volume
down key and then the power key.
There you go!
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