"Congratulations on your new Android device" That was how a friend greeted me when i also got my first android phone. So i'm saying same to you if you fall in the New Android User category.
The device is a smartphone, so you the holder gotta be smart too (lol.) Nevermind!
Would like to let you know the device you're having is a very high level of potential in serving.
What do you expect from the Big G.???
Would like to share with you some essential settings and apps you should be having on your device to get you smart on the go.
You would like to the device you have is a power and data hungry beast! Yes, the simple formular is
Android + Power + Data = Genuis
Android - Power - Date = Toy
Even HTC would state in their manual that you need an unlimited data plan to enjoy their device.
So, you got the phone, data is ready, power is on standby. Lets kick off
Log in your Play store and ready to pimp your smartphone.
Would like to suggest some neccessary setups. (Just an opinion) as you need to save battery life.
1. Brightness : Looking at the "battery use" in android devices, "Screen" seems to have the longest usage bar. Yes, Display, so to save more battery, lets set up some display settings to ease the lynching of the battery life. Leaving the screen backlight at the lowest would be perfect but if your the type that use the phone anywhere (like in the daylight outside) you can set to auto so the sensor can switch between levels in indoor and outdoor situations. Also, untick the "Auto-rotate screen"
2. Sync : Set the sync time intervals to longer time as short sync time can be draining battery real good. You can also choose to sync manually.
3. GPS ; If you're not the type that uses Map all the time, You can de-activate the gps.
4. WiFi : Leaving the wifi on can also hinder long-lasting battery-life. Activate only when needed. There are apps that can manage wifi. Apps can help you switch off the wifi when its not in use.
5. Data : Also, setting the data connection type at lower eg 2G would also do great in saving more battery juice
Ok! For settings, thats a lil you can try out to optimize your device battery life.
Later, i would be sharing tips on how to enhance the BatteryLife/Device with some applications. Stay tuned. Always check here for more tips. (Part 2)
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Also, should you have any additional tip and suggestion for us, we'll be very greatful. Kindly use the form on the right hand pane to reach us.
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